This place is intended to gather the emotions of all those friends with whom we’ve shared many trips to the mountains, as well as the experiences of those who will join us in the future. Even though it’s true that the most important things remain etched in our hearts and minds, we want this area to be used for sharing our kindest feelings and keeping alive that great gift of the mountain, friendship.
Each expedition has its own particularities. The experience shared by each group of people is really unique, and could hardly be repeated. On the other hand, the most important issue is all the planning and organization involved in the pre-trip phase: meeting, getting to know each other, agreeing upon details and, all together, first building a dream, then a reality.
Starting from the most basic values and principles of human beings such as cooperation, willingness and mutual love, we see that the success of a trip is not strictly identified with reaching or having reached a particular summit, but it has to do with the process we experience before, during and after it. Each group member’s personality traits as well as the trip challenges themselves, in every aspect and detail, planned or unexpected, are a healthy excuse to keep enthusiasm high and set the basis for community experience: the true summit.
I, myself, can say that I’ve been enjoying this sort of dialogue with the mountain: to contemplate it and inspire others to do the same, to recognize and enjoy the “inner” ascent that everyone does while we have in mind what God is whispering us every moment.
This school of life, the mountain, is a suitable place for our steps to be oriented to do to others what we would have them do to us. If we apply this to everyday life, to the place where the “true mountain” is shown to us, the daily-life mountain, our personal and social history is built. You just have to gaze at the top, always upwards.